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Initiatives completed or supported by the MMCT in the past.


As bursaries are given to only the most hard working students, the Michelle McLean Children Trust identified Elizabeth Blignaut, a 22 year old studying Microbiology at the University of Namibia. She is currently in her 3rd year and hopes to further her studies by doing her masters in Medical Microbiology in the UK after completing her B.Sc (honours) at UNAM in 2015.

Her outstanding performance includes:

* Best first year science student in the following modules:
- Chemistry 1A,
- Chemistry 1B,
- Introduction to statistics,
- Basic maths,
- Diversity of life,
- Introduction to biology,
- Physics for life sciences I.

* Best first year in the department of biological sciences.

* Best first year in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

* Overall best first year student in the Faculty of Science.

`I know that only through hard work and determination will I be able to achieve my goals which is why I always strive to better myself and never settle for second best. That is why I would like to thank the Michelle Mclean Children Trust for giving me this amazing opportunity. They have helped in making my dreams a reality.`

Updated: 2020-08-13

Onesmus Ntangwe Ngidipaa

I, Onesmus Ntangwe Ngidipaa, was born and raised in Ongwediva in the Oshana region. I attended my Primary School at Ongwediva Control Primary School and Matriculated at Mweshipandeka High School in 2009. In both my grade 10 and 12 year I obtained the top marks at my School. I am driven by hard work and determination. Furthermore respect and trust in God is also one of my fundaments in my life. I believe nothing is hard nor easy, it depends on the individual and I am always `drunk with joy` when I achieve and attain something in life.

Currently I am studying Medicine at the University of Namibia. Attending the Michelle McLean Children Trust / Bank Windhoek Spring School in 2009, during my Matric Year, attributed a great deal to my success to do further studies. It helped me improve my Physical Science and Mathematics marks tremendously with the year-end examination. Without attending the Spring School I might not have accomplished it and not be able to fulfil my dream to study Medicine.

A bursary for a winner!

The Michelle McLean Children Trust decided to award Onesmus Ntangwe Ngidipaa with a bursary of N$25 000.00 per year for his studies in Medicine to fulfill his dream. It also includes a laptop and medical text books to enhance his studies at the University of Namibia.
At a ceremony on Friday, 22nd of October, the Founding President of the Republic of Namibia and Patron of the Michelle McLean Children Trust, handed over the bursary, laptop and the books to Onesmus. Michelle McLean, Chairperson of the MMCT, was present at this special handover.

Updated: 2020-08-13

Puleinge Ihuhua
medical student

During 2003 the Michelle McLean Children Trust committed themselves to support four medical students financially. A bursary of N$20 000.00 was given to each of them for the 2003 and 2004 academic year. This amount was increased to N$25 000.00 for the 2005 academic year, and N$27 500 for 2006. The students achieved excellent results and the Michelle McLean Children Trust are proud to be associated with them. The four students are Puleinge Ihuhua, Dirk Redman, Minerva Titus, Jacobine Ekandjo.

Updated: 2020-08-12

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 Windhoek, Namibia

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Est. 1992

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