slide show


Helping Hand

Initiatives completed or supported by the MMCT in the past.

Teen Tragedy

Justus Marchant Marius Swartbooi

DOB: 12 June 1996

Died: 24 April 2010

Teen tragedy Justus Marius (14) and his brother Sidon (13) drowned in a rock pool behind the Goreangab Dam about 14h30 on Saturday 24th of April 2010. They were on their way home from collecting firewood when they came upon the rock pool and decided to go for a swim, although they were not good swimmers. (Namibian, 26 April 2010)

We knew Justus since 2006 when his father, Johannes Petrus Swartbooi, applied for assistance in the form of a school uniform. Michelle McLean, herself, handover the uniform to Justus, then 10 years old, a grade 3 learner of Elim Primary School at the MMCT office. Through the years Justice did very well in school and therefore the MMCT also assisted him in 2007, 2009 and 2010.

It was with sadness that we heard about Justus who grew close to us through the years. The MMCT then decided to assist both the boys` funeral arrangements. The Swartbooi and Veldskoen family acknowledged as follows: `It is from utmost importance to mention that there are few companies like yours that one can rely on when in need. Through our sorrow you lighten our hearts which was dark when we learn of our loss. We would hereby like to thank your company from the bottom of our hearts for the assistance granted towards the funeral of our late sons on a very short notice.`

Updated: 2020-08-13


Empowering Communities

This programme focuses on community development by training and mobilizing community members in vulnerable communities to solve major issues such as HIV/Aids, OVC`s, unemployment and social evils.

DIC was established in August 2005 and is now running several projects in very poor areas in Windhoek and Oshakati. Volunteers are trained to be ready for occupying the approval of spaces in Kilamanjaro and Kabila community. This plot is meant to be used as multi purpose centre to serve those communities in dire need.

It is situated at Erf 669, Kabila plot (1678 m2): Corner of Outapi & Karasburg Street.

The Michelle McLean Children Trust was fortunate to make a contribution of N$24 852.00 to erect a wire fence to start the much needed community development project.

Updated: 2020-08-13

Mr Karl Garoeb and Ms Elizabeth Garo`s

Mr Karl Garoeb and Ms Elizabeth Garo`s lost their house in a fire on Monday Morning, 17 May 2010. They lost everything and call on donors to assist them to get on their feet again. The Michelle McLean Children reached out and donated dried food, blankets, kitchenware, linen and toys.

Updated: 2020-08-13


Felesiana Nauwake

Felesiana Nauwake suffers from a disease called Norma, which destroys her facial tissue.

After a medical assessment during 2006, it was established that Felesiana needed operations in four phases to counter the attack of the virus. A Trust Fund for Felesiana was established in order to raise the necessary funds for the operations.

The Michelle McLean Children Trust took it upon them to pay 50% of the doctor`s expenses for the first operation, which ad up to a amount of N$44 444.00

Felesiana before, and after she went for the operation on 07 February 2007.

Andre van Zyl

Andre van Zyl a three-year-old-boy from Windhoek was born with `Treatcher-Collins Syndrome`, a hereditary illness/syndrome that affects a person`s facial features and blocks the external ear channels, causing loss of hearing. Andre can be helped with an operation, during which a BAHA system will be implanted which will enable him to hear again, and will give him the opportunity of having a normal childhood. The cost of such an operation is approximately N$50 000. The Michelle McLean Children Trust donated N$30 700.00 to make this operation possible, and to give Andre the opportunity to lead a normal life. A specialist from South Africa will do the operation during March 2006.

Andre van Zyl receiving a donation of N$30 700 from the MMCT



The Michelle McLean Children Trust made a sizable contribution to the prospective visit to Swakopmund of the Dagbreek Centre for disabled children.

The N$10 000 appropriated by the Trust will enable twenty learners and four adults to spend the week of 3 - 7 April at the coast.

According to Mr Klaas de Wet, principal of Dagbreek Centre, the public responded extremely well to their request for contributions for this tour.

The twenty learners will, among other things, visit the oyster farm and the Swakopmund museum, and a tour operator offered to take them on a four-wheel trip in the dunes.

In addition, the Michelle McLean Trust also donated five bicycles for learners for therapeutic exercises at the school. Mr De Wet said that the bicycles were a very timely contribution as the bicycles at the Centre have been in such a poor condition since last year that they are virtually unusable.

Mr Klaas de Wet, and learners of the Dagbreek School receiving a cash donation of N$10 000 and 5 bicycles from Florine Els of the MMCT.


Vergenoeg is a San/Damara settlement village 117 km north-east of Gobabis in Omaheke Region. It has a primary school and a community hostel. The hostel accommodates 264 street children from Gobabis, and orphaned children from the surrounding areas. Unfortunately the community cannot feed all of these children.

With the help of Ms Bedeker from Khorixas, gifts and food hampers from the MMCT were distributed to the children of the Donkerhoek Community.

The Vergenoeg community has suffered from AIDS and there are hardly any adults under retirement age. Grandparents look after their own grandchildren as well as after orphaned children of neighbours or those left in the village. The MMCT became aware of the situation trough VSO volunteers working in the community, and donated maize and essential food towards the soup kitchen, and school-feeding scheme.

During December 2005 the MMCT donated food hampers and small Christmas gifts to children in the rural areas of Namibia. The beneficiaries were:

Kids Haven in Omaruru
Children from the Donkerhoek Community in Khorixas
Orphans of the Nowak Primary school in Tses
The San children in the Gobabis area (through the Harnas Foundation)

Children of Kids Heaven, a house for OVCs, receiving gifts from the MMCT.

CNA Maerua Mall chose the MMCT during 2005 as one of their beneficiaries, and since then have donated stationery and toys to the Trust on a regular basis. The MMCT distribute these donated items to needy children throughout Namibia. Florine Els from the MMCT receiving goods from Ms Berndine Mouton, Branch Manager of CNA Maerua Mall.

The MMCT renovated the building of the Annellie Olivier Pre-primary School in Rehoboth

Mr Tjirimuje, Principal of the Waterberg Lower Primary School near Okakarara receiving a donation of 50 desks and 100 chairs to the value of N$24 437 from the MMCT, handed over by Florine Els, Senior Project Co-ordinator

The MMCT donated N$14 000 to Wouter Vermeulen. Wouter recived the donation to cover some of his expenses while representing Namibia at the International Space School Foundation in Texas, USA. Above are Michelle McLean, Chairperson of the MMCT, Mr E Odendaal, Principal of Windhoek High School and Wouter Vermeulen.

Michelle McLean with Laura Theron, a nine-year-old girl from Grootfontein who was diagnosed with early Fanconi Anemia(bone marrow cancer). The MMCT donated N$50 000 towards her medical expenses for a bone marrow transplant.

At the 20th anniversary of the SOS Children`s Village in Windhoek Florine Els of the MMCT handed out lollipops to the children in the presence of Grant Januarie the Village Director.


The Molzahn-triplets were born on 18 Aug 2004 in Otjiwarongo. At 7 weeks one of them, Nicole was flown to Cape Town to receive special medical treatment for a lung condition, Broncho Pulmonary Displasia and malaria. The MMCT assisted the family with medical equipment and oxygen after she had been released from hospital at about 8 months, to care for her at home.


Michelle McLean(left) with Precious Aleka and Deputy Prime Minister Dr Libertina Amathila with Katjitundu Jeanette Ndjirukeree.

Two San girls have received scholarships from Patric O` Shea, CEO of Engel and Volkers Africa and business partner of Michelle McLean.

Patrik O`Shea and Mihelle McLean attended a function with Deputy Prime Minister Dr.Libertina Amathila when he asked how the business could best help the San community. It was the decided that each of the two girls would be granted a N$5 000 scholarship. Depending on their performance this year, the scholarship will be renewed.

The two San girls are at an age when they normally drop out of school because of poverty and a lack of role models who have completed school.

The two girls were chosen because they are both A students and want to continue their education.

Katjitundu Jeanette Ndjirukeree(18) attends the Okakarara Secondary School and wants to become a pilot. Precious Aleka(14) attends the Sikubi School and does not know yet what she wants to do after passing Grade 12. Dr Amathila met with the families, teachers and principals of both girls to ensure that they understand the importance of finishing school and going on to university.

Special teachers have been appointed to help with schoolwork and any problems the girls might have.

Updated: 2020-08-13


The Michelle McLean Children Trust donated blankets, pillows, carpets, kitchenware and clothing to Ms Gretha Eises whose shack burned down in Havana recently. She and her children lost everything in the fire.
Ms Gretha Eises whose shack burned down.

Updated: 2010-09-16

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+264 61 240 807

 PO Box 97428,
 Maerua Mall,
 Windhoek, Namibia

33 years of making a difference
Est. 1992

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